Contact Train Schedule Application Developers

Contact Us

If you would like to report a bug, error in a schedule or suggest a new feature, please e-mail us using the form shown below.

When reporting a bug, please include as much information describing the problem as possible: what kind of phone/device you were using, when the problem occurred, and what steps in the user interface preceded it. Also, specify the schedules you were using along with date and time of the error.

If you have a technical question regarding the program operation you may contact us, but please check our extensive Online Help page first.

If you successfully installed the application on a phone but have a technical problem running it, please contact us, and include the phone model in your message.

BlackBerry users: when you send us a screenshot of the application when reporting a particular problem, it can help us to solve it faster. There are several free BlackBerry tools that can take a screenshot of your device, please read more here.

Our goal is to have RailBandit app operational on as many devices as possible. We will investigate the issue and make every effort so that you can use our product.

Please note

If you lost your activation code or need to transfer your license to a second BlackBerry phone, please use  this link  rather than e-mailing us.
